Specialists in body procedures

Our range of body contouring, fat reduction and skin tightening procedures, especially post weight loss, will help enhance your silhouette and enable you to wear fitted or revealing clothes with increased confidence.



Abdominoplasty aims to remove excess skin and fat from the lower part of your abdomen and can be combined with liposuction and repair of the musculature of your abdominal wall. Abdominoplasty encompasses a range of procedures that includes less invasive (mini-abdominoplasty) to more extensive skin and fat removal (extended abdominoplasty/circumferential body lift). Muscles of your abdominal wall that can become stretched as a result of pregnancy or weight gain are re-approximated using suture-based techniques and liposuction is used to remove additional fat and hone the overall aesthetic appearance. Consultation with one of our specialist plastic surgeons will guide you to the right kind of procedure for you to achieve, often transformational, aesthetic outcomes. 

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Liposuction and body sculpting

Liposuction is a great option for patients who have excess fat but not excess skin. It can be used to reduce the size of a particular anatomical area or, using high-definition techniques, to add definition to the limbs or torso. Our specialist plastic surgeons are able to advise on what would be achievable using liposuction alone and where other techniques may need to be considered to get the results that you want.

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Body contouring post weight loss

Body contouring procedures remove the excess skin and fat that are left behind after significant weight loss – either as a result of lifestyle changes or after bariatric surgery. Redundant skin can cause significant functional problems such as problems with self-care, impaired exercise performance and mobility and difficulty finding clothes that fit. Body contouring procedures can be targeted towards skin excess in the limbs, abdomen, back or breasts to help restore a more slim-lined silhouette and, most importantly, function. Our specialist plastic surgeons are able to advise you on what body contouring procedures will provide the greatest impact to lead you to surgical outcomes that will significantly enhance your self-image and function.

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Lymphoedema surgery

Surgical advancements have expanded the role of surgery for patients with lymphoedema. This may range from LYMPHA procedures, which can reduce the risk of lymphoedema associated with lymph node removal for cancer treatment to lymphaticovenous (LVA) and lymph node transfer (LNT) procedures that can help reduce limb volume once you have developed lymphoedema. Assessment by one of our specialist plastic surgeons can help guide you to the right procedure for you, help you understand what the likelihood of success is and what non-surgical alternatives you should also consider.

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