Specialists in nose procedures

Specialists in Plastic Surgery offer leading nose procedures and surgery in the heart of London. Owned by renowned plastic surgeons, you can be sure you’re in the best hands.


Preservation rhinoplasty

Preservation rhinoplasty is a philosophical concept in cosmetic plastic surgery that changes the shape of the nose by reshaping the bones and cartilages without cutting away excessive amounts of tissue.  Ultimately this can produce a natural result which is also functional in the long term.

Commonly preservation rhinoplasty refers to how a dorsal hump is managed. In some patients instead of cutting away a hump, it can be lowered and thus preserved.  This can produce more natural results which do not change with time and lead to secondary deformities.  One of our specialists will be able to guide you through the various aspect of preservation rhinoplasty and whether it will be beneficial in your case.

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Secondary rhinoplasty

Patients who have previously undergone a nose job and wish to have further refinement or to correct a problem are candidates for secondary rhinoplasty.  This is often a more complicated procedure which requires cartilage grafting.  The cartilage graft can come either from the patient’s nose (septum), ears or rib cartilage.

Secondary rhinoplasty requires a surgeon with experience and expert knowledge.  Our specialist surgeons are best placed to advise you on what is involved in a secondary rhinoplasty and what results to expect.

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The septum is the middle partition wall in the nose that separates the two nostrils.  It is made of cartilage at the front and bone at the back.  In some patients the septum can be deviated.  This may be due to injury or they may have been born that way.

A deviated septum can cause breathing difficulties through the nose (airway obstruction) and can lead to a bent or deviated nose externally.

A septoplasty is a plastic surgery procedure that reshapes the septum and corrects the deviation as much as possible.  This can improve the breathing through the nose and produce a straighter nose externally.

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Non-surgical rhinoplasty

In some patients it may be possible to change the shape and appearance of the nose with non-permanent dermal fillers.  Ultimately the nose is larger, however, there is harmony and balance between the nose and the rest of the face.  Non-surgical or liquid rhinoplasty can help reduce the appearance of the bump on the bridge and lift the tip.  It is most powerful in changing the appearance of the nose on the profile view.  It is important to have a through discussion with one of our specialist plastic surgeons to determine if this is suitable for you and whether it can achieve your goals.

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